I know that we have reached the end of the warmer season here in Victoria, but that doesn’t mean the European Wasps have gone away! If you don’t know how to locate a European Wasp nest, it can be time-consuming …

I know that we have reached the end of the warmer season here in Victoria, but that doesn’t mean the European Wasps have gone away! If you don’t know how to locate a European Wasp nest, it can be time-consuming …
There are so many different sorts of sheep available in the Australian livestock market – each with pros and cons attached to them. There is also no right or wrong answer to this question. So how do you know what …
It is no secret to anyone who knows me that our family has owned this farm for over 50 years now, so a lot of the infrastructure here is starting to get a little old! This includes our main shed …
Broken fence posts are unfortunately something that do happen on farms. Whether it be due to trees or branches falling on them, animals running into and head butting them, or simply age and rot, you will eventually need to remove …