How to involve kids in farming

If like me you have kids, it can be important to get them actively and positively involved in your farm. Depending on the age of the child in question, there are different things you can do that will not only …

How to fix a broken fence post

Broken fence posts are unfortunately something that do happen on farms. Whether it be due to trees or branches falling on them, animals running into and head butting them, or simply age and rot, you will eventually need to remove …

Fencing Fun

Fencing – lamb-proofing our lambing paddock fence so that lambs cannot fall onto electric wires, and foxes cannot come through the non-electrified wires to hurt our babies whilst they are still new and weak.

Calmer Farmer begins

So I’d like to introduce you to some of our sheep! We spent some time yesterday separating out our two rams (Dam Ram on far left and Sid with the black head, both pure dorpers) from their respective flocks of …